Cumin / Jeera

Cumin or Jeera is a savoury spice, which is dried and cultivated. It is known to help in digestion of food, treat insomnia, good to have it when infected with common cold and treats skin disorders

Nutmeg / Jayaphal

The little nut, which looks a lot like a beetle nut, is one of the many spices used in making Garam masala. The Nutmeg is known to detoxify the liver, helps in relieving congestion, and good for your Kidney. Intake of the spice can prevent Kidney infections and diseases

Turmeric / Haldi

The spice of every Indian household, Turmeric is the quintessential Indian spice that is used for every Indian food. The golden powder is actually a root vegetable that looks similar to ginger. Turmeric is known to improve condition, which may lower chances of any heart-related diseases. It also helps in digestion of food and has anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties

Black Pepper / Gul-Mohor

The king of all spices, the most popular spice that is used worldwide, here on the list is Black Pepper. It is no wonder that Black Pepper is loved by so many people and used by so many nations. The sharp pungent black seeds are not only good in your food but it is also good for your body. The Black Pepper boosts our metabolism, which helps our body to digest food properly. It also has anti-bacterial and anti-cancer properties

Cinnamon / Dal-Chini

This is one of the few spices, which is popular throughout the world. From Asia to Europe to America, Cinnamon is used for various uses; such as cooking savoury dishes to making pies and rolls and sweet dishes, to making perfumes and medicines. As delicious as it is, it also is known for its good health benefits. Intake of Cinnamon in our diet is known to decrease the blood sugar level as well as the cholesterol level and keep our heart healthy. The oil derived from Cinnamon is also used to treat and heal tooth decay and gum diseases

Asafoetida / Hing

Asafoetida is a spice that has amazing properties that can treat different kinds of stomach related problems such as upset stomach, intestinal worms, intestinal gas, etc

Cardamom / Elaichi

The green Elaichi is widely used in India to flavour savoury dishes as well as sweet dishes. Some of its health benefits are combating nausea, gas, increasing our appetite, and reducing heartburn

Mace / Gada

Mace is the nutmeg flower which can be used as a spice, or the oil from the mace can be used for further purposes. The Mace oil is helpful in relieving congestion and flatulenc

Cloves / Long

Cloves had been long known for its Ayurvedic medicinal purposes. From the time of ancient India till the modern day, clove is regarded as a healthy spice with healthy benefits.. Much like cinnamon oil, clove oil is used for treating toothache, treating scrapes, bruises, and improving digestion

Bay Leaves / Tej Patta

The aromatic Bay Leaves were believed to be a symbol of wisdom, protection and peace by the Ancient Greeks. Besides the fragrance, the Tej Pata is good for detoxification of our body, managing diabetes and helpful for slowing the process of aging

Star Anise / Chakra Phool

spice that originated from the Fareast is now gaining an important role in the Indian culinary world. All the way from China, Star anise is our 13th spice. High in Vitamin A and Vitamin C and enriched with anti-oxidants, the star shaped spice is known to fight ageing and diabetes. The oil from the Star Anise is also used to treat nausea, cough, and flu

Fenugreek / Methi

Fenugreek is a savoury spice, which goes well with meat or vegetables. The little yellow seeds contain Galactomannan, which is helpful in slowing down the sugar absorption rate into our blood. It is also good for lactating mothers, people suffering from loss of taste, and anaemia

Curry Leaves

The Curry Leaves is widely used in the southern region of India for cooking purposes because of its flavour. The best way to intake minerals is through our food and consuming curry leaves is beneficial for our body more than we know it. The curry leaves is filled with antioxidants and anti-diabetic properties. It is known to lower the cholesterol level and fight leukaemia







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